Sailing Resources

So lets get you on your way with a few travel items to help out:

Cat 1 Medical Sheet – pending

Packing List – Sailingpending
Equipment Listpending
Accommodation and Flight ideas pending
Bio security Report – Lord Howe Island Pending

The discount page will showcase some of the savings that you can take advantage of to get you to the start line. Please do not hesitate to add or suggest additional resources.

…or something like this:

KTI Safety Alert
KTI Safety Alert

The Kti Personal Locator Beacon [PLB] is world class device that is super reliable and cost effective considering these units come standard with a 10 year battery. That is less than AUD $28/year. We are not paid for this recommendation, we just like the product that much that we thought we would let you know that you should consider your next PLB